A bedtime routine is a series of activities, in a consistent order before going to sleep. A routine helps promote relaxation and prepare for restful sleep. In children, this is vital for their little brains to click into sleep mode. I know, from experience, bedtime can turn into chaos very quickly. Establishing a bedtime routine […]
Sleep is crucial for the healthy development of your baby. One important aspect of establishing a safe and comfortable sleep environment is choosing the right sleepwear for your little one. Many parents wonder when and how to start transitioning their baby’s sleepwear from a swaddle to a sleep sack, and eventually to a blanket. Let’s […]
Many parents dream of having a baby who sleeps through the night. It’s easy to understand why – uninterrupted sleep is a precious commodity for new parents. However, even babies who do sleep through the night may still wake up occasionally. This is because babies, like adults, have natural sleep cycles that can cause them […]
Have you ever put your little one to bed for the night and their only response to that is to cry, scream, or just play in bed for hours? I think we have all been there at least once. What could be keeping your child awake? The most frustrating part of that is that you have likely also gone by the book with all their sleep needs. You have the black out shades, and the white noise machine. You’ve got their schedule down to a science. Everything is laid out perfectly, and yet, still there’s a sleep struggle. I’ve put together a list of a few things that could be the culprit.
One of the most frequently asked questions I’m asked is, what is sleep training, and should I do it? First, I should say that it’s really not for everyone. Many parents love to baby wear, co-sleep, and wake up with their baby. And that’s totally fine! Every family has different dynamics, and I’m not here […]